The number 21 is an ancestral number, which brings a lot of luck but at the same time many curses and is not known how to use.
The number 21 in the santeria belongs to Eleggua, who opens and closes roads.
The number 21 is the multiplication of 3 times 7 and for this reason, the number 7 is an infinite number and is a perfect number since this is thus established biblically and since antiquity in Egypt. For this reason, we, create and offer our products of 21 bitter plants and 21 sweet elements. These products are part of our exclusive 2-in-1 line
What is 2 in 1?
The 2 in 1, is a product that can be used as bath and stripper or as Floor Wash. By its secret formulation, it is not damaged, for this reason, it will always keep its smell from the mixture of all the plants introduced directly to the bottle. It does not contain chemicals that affect the skin or substances that may damage your floor. It is a well concentrated product so it is recommended that it should be diluted in water and you can go deciding how much you want to use.
How is this product used?
You choose the amount you want to use. It then dilutes it in 1 gallon of water. From using it as a bath and stripping,it is thrown from head to toe after it bathes normal. After you throw it out, if it is the 21 bitter plants, you cannot dry with your towel, only your intimate parts can dry. Because? Your pores must absorb these elements to pass to your spirit. His spirit feeds on these elements and he’s going to clean up little by little. It is recommended that I used it before going to sleep and is not driving a car, working or using any device that could harm your life and so you can have a more lasting sleep.
From using it as Floor Wash,you will do the same process of diluting it and will clean it from the inside out. Wishing all the negative energy to leave your home.
If you use 21 sweet elements such as Bath and Dispossess it will do the same dilution process and how it applies. Ideally, the candy will throw it out before going to work in the morning so that all the positive vibes is at your fingertips.
From using it as Floor Wash,it’s the same process only you’ll be cleaning from the outside in and asking for everything positive to come into your home.
Do not allow negative energy into your home, your soul, spirit and above all, do not allow you to touch your family.
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