Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Metal, elements that are used all the time since ancient times and in some cultures are sacred; everyone should see it as something sacred, not to waste.
In the Asian culture that is rich in spiritualism and provides so much knowledge of what energy is, for them the 5 elements are sacred and each one of us carries the 5 elements. Some have more marked elements and feel more attracted to one of the 5. But what are the 5 elements?
The 5 elements are: Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Metal. Here is the explanation of each
Fire: In ancient times, the way fire was seen was as a resource of light. They did not see it as something dangerous because of the gases it releases.
Water: Thanks to water is that we have a planet, where we live and thanks to water is that we are alive. Due to the union of hydrogen and oxygen molecules at high temperatures, water is the creation of life. Without water, there is no life
The earth: The earth is much older than all of us and is part of life just like water. Land and water is the combination of life. Without these 2 elements, we would not be here.
Air: It consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. The air is something that cannot be touched, but depending on how it behaves, weather forecasts can be made. Example: Depending on how the air behaves, it can be predicted if a tornado, a hurricane, etc. could occur.
Metal: Metal has been used for many years for different things, from weapons for populations in time before Christ to kitchen utensils in modern times.
Now, how can we have these elements within us? Easy. Everything mentioned above is energy and we are a compound of energy that we can control how we use it. At the beginning of this writing it indicates that there are people who are more attracted to certain elements and it does not mean that this person is attracted to fire, it means that he is violent. That’s not what it means at all. The meaning is why one element attracts you more than another, that is a personal and spiritual meaning. Example: There are people who are attracted to the element of water because they see it as something relaxing and to give a more concrete example, people who love to feel the breeze and see the waves of the sea. There are people who can be there for hours just watching the waves (water) of the sea in the distance and feel that breeze (wind)
So that we better understand how the 5 elements are inside one, I will explain it to you in a simple way. Our body is made up of 75% water , our bones are based on calcium, manifesting the earth element, our blood and our organisms work at their maximum capacity with metallic minerals. That is why our blood has the metal element that is iron. When our body begins to be created, there begins to be an atomic multiplication where our cells continue to multiply through great forces of heat energy, there we have the element of fire and the Air is what feeds our entire body, bringing oxygen and taking with it the carbon dioxide our body expels. That is why the 5 elements are inside and we and we are inside the 5 elements.
Now is a good time to ask yourself these questions and meditate on them:
- What element am I most attracted to and why?
- How do I feel when I hear about this element? (You can make a list of the elements and write the first thing that comes to mind when you hear or feel that element)
- Did I have a bad perception before of some element and now I change?
- When I have a bad day, which of the 5 elements brings me more calm, more tranquility?