Do you know what is your first protection that gives you life and the spiritual world? Who carried you for several months, who when he heard your cry for the first time got excited and gave you his warmth. That’s right, your mother has been your first protection that life gave you. We explain more below
When a woman falls pregnant, whether she uses protection or not, it is because the universe wants her to be your protector and over time she will have several lessons that both she and the minor (the baby she brings into the world) will learn. The lessons can be from a past life or the present life. But let’s talk now that it has to do with the woman being his protector.
In the animal world, as soon as females become pregnant it is as if their way of being changes and they become more protective of themselves and more alert that there is no prey. The same happens with women, they are aware of their health and their baby. They become more attentive around them and above all, they enjoy motherhood 100%.
Your mother is your first protection that the spiritual world gives you since you are defenseless and cannot protect yourself from bad energies, much less from people who want to do evil. When you are a baby, your spiritual picture is still weak and negative energies, negative entities can go unnoticed and your mother is the one who protects you using her spiritual picture as a shield against your growth.
It is also why when we are babies, especially in the first months, they carry us in their arms and stick us to their body. It is not only to feel the heart that reassures us when we are distressed and feel the incomparable warmth, in this way it protects us by making us part of its spiritual picture and ordering its guides to protect us.
Now that you know this, go to your mother, give her a hug and thank her for everything she has done for you. Mothers are human beings and human beings are not perfect and we make mistakes but the important thing is that you are always aware that she has done her best, she has given more than she has had for you. If your mother rests next to God, never forget her because she is still alive and as long as you do not forget the moments of joy, battles that both had and teachings, she will continue to be alive.
Happy Mother’s Day to all women who have the joy of being a mom Very especially, I want to thank my mother who unfortunately is not by my side physically but in my mind and in my heart she will remain alive. I thank you for fighting against negativity, against hate and above all I thank you for teaching me to be a straight, respectful, determined woman and for giving me respect. Also, not letting people think that because I’m a woman, I’m a fool and they can fool with me To my dear mother: Thank you for instilling good values and feelings in me. Regardless of the negative things that happened in our lives, you were there to keep me from worrying in moments where I was afraid, although you also had them, for being my best friend. You were always a lioness, defending and protecting her cub